Despite the Luzon-wide Enhanced Community Quarantine which is presently being strictly implemented in the entire City of Alaminos, in the Province of Pangasinan, three Master Teachers from the Alaminos City National High School (ACNHS), bravely came out from their homes and unselfishly extended their services in repacking food supplies which are to be distributed to the people in 39 barangays in the city, March 21, 2020.
Dr. Raquel Rarang-Rivera, Mrs. Maribel Perez-Lazo and Mr. Ruben Calizar Pacis, Master Teachers in TLE, MAPEH and Mathematics of ACNHS, respectively, served as volunteers in repacking food reliefs such as rice grains, canned goods and fruit packs at the Don Leopoldo Sison Convention Center (DLSCC), the repacking area of basic life commodities for the people in Alaminos City and the Command Center of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of the city in respond to this widely spread pandemic brought by COVID-19.
According to Rivera, Lazo and Pacis, they have willingly rendered their services without expecting something in return because they have this passion of not only educating young minds, but also extending help to others by sharing their time and talents. Moreover, the three Master Teachers expressed their full support to all the endeavors of LGU-Alaminos City headed by City Mayor Arth Bryan C. Celeste. They, too, said that their services are their humble contributions to the sacrifices and hard work of all the front liners in the city who are risking their lives to ensure the safety of the public.
Meanwhile, last March 25, 2020, another Master Teacher in Mathematics from ACNHS in the person of Dr. Cristy Grace W. Bautista has also extended her services as one of the volunteers in repacking food supplies at DLSCC. (Diana Marie G. Oiguan, SEPS-HRD with Planning and Research)